Raraunga 60x90cm Polyester Non Slip Mat

Whakaahuatanga Poto:

  • Momo:Puawai me nga tipu kua tiakina
  • wā:waho, taputapu whakaahua, whakapaipai whare, etahi atu
  • Wāhi Taketake:Zhejiang, Haina
  • Ingoa Waitohu:ZHICHENG
  • Ingoa Hua:Puawai horihori
  • Whakamahinga:Pāti
  • Tae:Tae maha
  • Rahi:Rahi Whakaritea
  • Tapeke:Kaata
  • Āhuahira:He pai te taiao
  • Kāhua:Ataahua Tae
  • Tautoko kua whakaritea:OEM, ODM, OBM
  • Taipitopito Hua

    Tohu Hua

    Nga korero tere
    Momo Tauirae: Mārō
    Te hoko whariki:Whariki kua oti (waahanga)
    Tauira: Kua taia
    Hangarau: MINI I HANGA
    Rōpū Tau:Pakeke
    Hoahoa:Tai Rawhiti
    Āhuahira:Anti-Bacteria, Wrinkle-Resistant, Anti-slip, Adhesive-Protective
    Te Wahi Taketake:Zhejiang, Haina
    Ingoa Waitohu:BBT
    Ingoa hua:Raraunga 60x90cm Polyester Non Slip Mat
    Tae:Whero, pango, puru, beige, kawhe, parauri, hina, matomato
    Momo: Tapa noa, Tapa rapa(me te rapa porotaka)
    Rahi:40*60CM, 45*70CM, 45*75CM, 50*80CM, 60*90CM, 80*120CM
    Hanga:tapawhā, āhua-porowhita, porotītaha
    Te Whakapai me te Tukunga
    Hoko Waeine:Tuemi kotahi
    Rahi mōkihi kotahi:91X51X14 cm
    Te taumaha kerekere kotahi:28.000 kg


    Rahi(Waihanga) 1 - 10000 >10000
    Est.Wā(ra) 15 Hei whiriwhiringa

    Mo ia hoahoa me te rahi

    Ko te MOQ he 100pcs

    Mena kei te hiahia koe ki etahi atu hoahoa, pls whakapā mai


    Te whakaurunga Ahumahi me te Tauhokohoko

    1. Whakaahuatanga:100% Rubber backing, polyester muka muka.
    2. Wāhi wātea: Mo te whakamahi o roto me waho.Te kaainga, te tari, te kura, te whare takaro, te toa, te whare putunga, te raina kato, te raina huihuinga, te teihana mahi, te kaute kaute, taiwhanga, awheawhe, ararewa etc.
    3. Tae: Whero, pango, puru, beige, kawhe, parauri, hina, matomato (He maha nga tae e waatea ana mo ia hiahia a nga kaihoko)
    4. Rahi e waatea ana: 40x60CM, 45x70CM, 45x75CM, 50x80CM, 60x90CM, 80x120CM
    5. Taapiri: 30 pcs / Kaata (Ko tetahi atu tikanga whakakakahu i runga i nga tono a nga kaihoko)
    6. Momo: Tapa noa, Tapa rapa(me te rapa porotaka)
    7. Hanga: tapawhā, āhua-porowhita, porotītaha

    Tawhā Hua

    Taumaha o ia rahi (kgs/pc)
    Tapa rapa 4060R 4575R 5080R 6090R
    tapawhā hāngai 0.5 0.7 0.8 1.03
    hauwhā porohita 0.4 0.6 0.7
    porotītaha 0.45 0.65


    Te Taapapa me te Uta i nga korero
    Rahi Rahi Kaata PCS/CTN CTNS/20'GP CTNS/40'GP CTNS/40'HQ
    40x60cm 61x41x15cm 30pcs 724 1448 1738
    45x70cm 71x46x15cm 30pcs 558 1116 1339
    45x75cm 76x46x15cm 30pcs 530 1060 1272
    50x80cm 81x51x15cm 30pcs 478 956 1147
    60x90cm 91x61x15cm 30pcs 360 720 850

    Hua Atu


    Raina Whakaputa


    Kōtaha Kamupene


    Te takai



    Q1.He wheketere, he kamupene hokohoko ranei koe?
    A: He wheketere matou me te 15 tau te wheako ki te hanga i nga whariki kuaha.

    Q2.Ka taea e au he ota tauira?
    A: Ae, i muri i te whakapumautanga utu, ka mihi matou ki te tauira tauira hei whakamatautau i te kounga.

    Q3.Me pehea te wa arahi?
    A: Me tauira 5-7days.Ko te nuinga o te waa whakaputa papatipu he 15-30 ra.Ka whakamanahia e matou ki a koe i muri i to tuku i nga korero ki a matou.

    Q4.Kei a koe tetahi rohe MOQ?
    A: 100pcs anake.
    (Mo te tirotiro tauira 1pcs anake e waatea ana.)

    Q5.He aha te ahua o nga konae ka whakaae koe mo te ta?
    A: PDF, AI, JPG

    Q6.Ka taea e koe te mahi i te hoahoa whakakakahu mo matou?
    A: Ae, Kei a matou he roopu ngaio e whai wheako nui ana ki te whakaatu hoahoa.Korero mai ki a matou o whakaaro ka awhina matou ki te kawe i o whakaaro kia tino pai.
    Tukuna mai he whakaahua taumira teitei, to waitohu me to tuhinga me te korero mai me pehea e hiahia ana koe ki te whakarite.Ka tukuna atu e matou nga konae kua oti hei whakau.

    Q7.Kei a koe he ratonga muri-hoko?
    A: Ae, kei te mahi matou.
    E whakaute ana matou ki nga kaihoko katoa hei hoa mo matou ahakoa no hea mai, ka pirangi matou ki te hanga whakahoa.Ko te whainga kia noho hoa pono o taatau kiritaki ki Haina!

  • Tōmua:
  • Panuku:

  • Hua e Pa ana